Thursday 9 January 2014

Why are you reading this, go do something useful...

Hello there ladies and gentlemen,

or just me if I'm the only one reading this...

The purpose of this blog is, well actually it doesn't really have much of a purpose. It's not going to cure cancer, it won't land on the moon and it isn't going to make me any money. But it might make you laugh, might introduce you to something you may love in the future. Or it may make you want to punch me in the face, though I'd rather you didn't...

The words, and probably pictures, that are going to be posted in here will likely be exceptionally nerdy in nature. To those who know me, you have no idea... There may also be the occasional musical post (don't worry I will not be singing or playing an instrument) and there may also just be just me ranting about stuff, or laughing at stuff. Or even posting the dreaded amusing cat video, or worse A MEME!

But first I need a title. I'm not happy with the name of my blog. Yes it is factually accurate, though not grammatically so.

So here's the thing, come up with a name you may win a prize, it won't be an impressive prize, it may be a doughnut, it may be a peanut, hell it might even be something that isn't a nut!

Get thinking of something smart, internet...

Posting shall commence soon:

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